Keep the Lights on When the Power Goes Out

Look into the generator installation services we offer in Richfield, UT

When your power goes out, the last thing you want is to be left without power for hours and have the food in your fridge spoil. Investing in a generator for your home can ensure that you're prepared for anything. Six-Pence Electric Inc sells and installs top-notch home generators in Richfield, UT and the surrounding areas.

Consistent power is just a phone call away

Consistent power is just a phone call away

Whether you have a loved one that depends on consistent power for their medical equipment or you just don't want to worry when the power goes out, there are no bad reasons to add a generator to your home's system. When you team up with our experienced electricians, we'll deliver a quality generator to your home, properly install it and make sure it runs great.

To learn more about the home generators we sell and install, contact us today.